Tamil superstar Rajinikanth met with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his official residence in Lucknow on Saturday, as he visited the city for the screening of his latest release Jailer. In a picture shared on the social media platform, the megastar was seen humbly touching the feet of the CM during his visit to the official residence, signifying a gesture of respect.
During their interaction, Adityanath extended a gesture of goodwill by gifting the megastar a book and a small idol of Lord Ganesh, symbolising well-wishes for the film's journey. CM Adityanath, via a post on X, shared, “Courtesy meeting with eminent film actor Mr Rajinikanth at the official residence in Lucknow today.”.
Rajinikanth also expressed his intention to watch Jailer, with the Chief Minister stating, “I will watch the film with the CM. The movie’s success feels like a blessing from above.”
A prior special screening of Jailer in Lucknow garnered positive reception and was attended by Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya. Speaking about the film, Maurya expressed his admiration for Rajinikanth's exceptional performance, remarking, “I had the opportunity to watch the movie ‘Jailer’. Having seen many of Rajinikanth’s films, I recognize his exceptional talent. Even though the movie might lack extensive content, his performance magnifies its significance.”
Rajinikanth will be visiting the city of Ayodhya today according to sources. The actor earlier visited Jharkhand, where he engaged with spirituality at the renowned Chhinnamasta Temple and met Jharkhand Governor C P Radhakrishnan at the Raj Bhavan. The megastar's journey also included a meditation session in the cave of Pandavkholi in Dwarahat, Uttarakhand, followed by a visit to the revered Chinnamastika temple at Rajrappa in the neighbouring Ramgarh district.
Turning the spotlight back to Jailer, the film's box office performance has been nothing short of impressive, amassing an astounding total collection of INR 235.65 crore within just eight days. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, the film's narrative revolves around a man, portrayed by Rajinikanth, seeking to avenge the tragic death of his police officer son. The movie also features Tamannaah Bhatia, Ramya Krishnan, Yogi Babu, Vasanth Ravi, and Vinayakan in significant roles.