Deepika Padukone celebrated her 38th birthday with a cosy dinner outing with her husband, Ranveer Singh. The couple spotted leaving Taj Colaba, maintained a low profile, offering no greetings to the media present. A paparazzo captured a video of the couple, showcasing Ranveer in a black shirt and trousers, opening the car door with a signal acknowledging the paparazzi before they entered the vehicle. Deepika followed suit, getting into the car without engaging with the media.
Birthday wishes poured in from fans, with one expressing, “Bollywood ki sabse (most) happiest couple.” Despite the private celebration, the duo’s fans celebrated Deepika's special day online.
Deepika is currently gearing up for the release of her highly anticipated film, Fighter. On her birthday, the film's production house, Viacom18 Studios, treated fans to a behind-the-scenes video from the film's sets. The video offered glimpses of Deepika, aka Minni, during the shooting of the songs Ishq Jaisa Kuch and Sher Khul Gaye, along with scenes of her in a flying suit.
The post was captioned, “Fearless, fiery with a heart of a #Fighter. Happy Birthday, @deepikapadukone! #Fighter Forever #FighterOn25thJan.” Co-star Hrithik Roshan also extended birthday wishes on his Instagram Stories, praising Deepika's perseverance and spirit as a fighter.
Her Fighter co-star Anil Kapoor joined the celebration with a sweet post. Deepika’s upcoming projects also include the Prabhas-starrer Kalki 2898 AD. Prabhas conveyed his birthday wishes on Instagram Stories, saying, “Happy Birthday to the most beautiful @Deepikapadukone! May your year be as stunning as you are! #Kalki2898AD.”
As Deepika embarks on another year, her journey promises to be filled with exciting projects and continued success in the world of cinema.