It's his first feature film but from the trailer, it looks like director Taranveer Singh knows his craft indepth. The intriguing trailer of Tuesdays & Fridays, which releases in theatres today, gives viewers an idea about the storyline and the aesthetically shot visuals in London definitely look appealing. But Taranveer admits he had no idea about direction when he started out with dreams of making it big in Bollywood. “I come from a completely non-filmy family from Gwalior. When I signed up for a course at Whistling Woods International, I realised there were too many aspirants for the direction course, so I ended up enrolling for an editing course and that’s when I learnt the grammar of filmmaking,” says the up-and-coming director who has previously assisted directors on movies such as Kartik Calling Kartik and Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani.
Tuesday & Fridays follows Varun Sarin and Sia Malhotra who agree to date each other on select days of the week. The couple meets on Tuesdays and Fridays, and on other days they are free to date anyone else. But this gets messy soon. “I was 30 when I wrote it, and I realised that first love is okay, but what happens when a person falls in love a fourth or fifth time?” asks the director. The film looks at a couple in their late ’20s. They aren’t married and have no societal pressure, but don’t want to move on because of the baggage of a previous relationship. “My story is more from the woman’s perspective, and how she is the one fighting to get the boy,” says the director.
Yesteryear actress Poonam Dhillon’s son Anmol Dhillon debuts as the hero and former Miss India runner-up, Jhathaleka Malhotra is cast as the lead opposite him. “Anmol fits the role perfectly. He plays an author and isn’t like the stereotypically beefed up heroes. Jhathaleka impressed us when she enacted Alia Bhatt’s part from Highway for the audition. So it wasn’t just her looks, she had a lot more than that,” explains Taranveer. What’s surprising though is that despite being a newcomer, Taranveer’s script impressed Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s team, who have produced it.