The makers of the highly anticipated film Project K, starring Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Prabhas and Deepika Padukone, on Saturday released the official limited edition exclusive-free merchandise of the film, ahead of its launch at the Comic-Con. This has added to the excitement surrounding the film and many fans are eager to learn more about the mysterious Project K.
Taking to Twitter, the official handle of Vyjayanthi Movies shared a link to the drop, writing, “The First Drop is here! Grab Free Limited Merch of #ProjectK now.”
The film's exclusive footage is scheduled to be unveiled in the presence of the film's cast at the renowned San Diego Comic-Con 2023, a first for any Indian film. The crew will be unveiling the film’s title, trailer and release date in a panel called This is Project K: First Glimpse of India’s Mytho-Sci-fi Epic.
Produced by C Aswani Dutt's Vyjayanthi Movies and directed by acclaimed filmmaker Nag Ashwin, Project K is a bilingual film shot simultaneously in Hindi and Telugu across various locations.
Talking about the film going to Comic Con, Nag was quoted as saying, “India’s storytelling tradition has ancient roots, with its epics serving as the origins for many civilizations worldwide. A world as big as this needs a platform as big to introduce it to the people. Comic-Con felt like the perfect place, where the honesty and enthusiasm needed for Project K will be found.”