Aditya Nimbalkar's Sector 36 had its world premiere at the prestigious Indian Film Festival of Melbourne on Thursday. The film's screening was a highly anticipated event, with actor Vikrant Massey, who plays the role of Prem Singh, in attendance. As the credits rolled, the audience were left captivated, teary-eyed, and shocked, a testament to the film's powerful storytelling and the cast's commendable performances. The night was marked by enthusiastic applause and praises, solidifying Sector 36 as a standout highlight at the festival.
Inspired by true events, Sector 36 follows the harrowing tale of several children who mysteriously go missing from a slum in Sector 36. As the tension rises, a relentless police officer embarks on a chilling investigation, confronting a cunning serial killer. Vikrant and Deepak Dobriyal deliver gripping performances as Prem Singh, the elusive serial killer, and Ram Charan Pandey, the determined officer in this high-stakes game of cat and mouse.
Addressing the audience present at the festival, Vikrant spoke at length about the film and about playing Prem Singh. He said, “Talking about the preparation without giving away much, this was one of the few films that pushed me against the wall, it was very challenging. Although I did not have to transform physically but mentally and emotionally this film really pushed me against the wall.”
Talking about the narrative and the need to tell stories like Sector 36 he said, “There is far more realism in films since the last 10 years. Society represents cinema and vice versa. Today because of major platforms, when we talk about Indian cinema which also comprises so many other regional cinema coming together, we are not just making films that are community specific but which are universal in nature.”
Talking about Sector 36 he said, “I feel as storytellers, someone needs to tell these stories, if not me. The idea is to have these stories be told.”
Sector 36 releases on September 13, exclusively on Netflix.