'Real love, real stories': NatGeo Wild shares magnificent visuals of romance in the animal world

National Geographic Wild is highlighting 'Real Love, Real Stories' this Valentine’s Day. 
Seahorses / Tesche Dokumentarfilm / National Geographic Wild
Seahorses / Tesche Dokumentarfilm / National Geographic Wild

Since its inception 132 years ago, National Geographic has been on a mission to keep the planet in balance, by driving meaningful conversations and spotlighting some of the most prevailing issues of society with its thought-provoking, immersive and purpose-driven storytelling. 

Backed by a reputation for immersive and influential content, National Geographic Wild is all set to entertain audiences with an all-new look and feel through its new wildlife series and specials

The channel serves as a place for all things animals and for animal-lovers alike and aims to familiarise audiences with the visual, purpose-driven stories that showcase the beauty of our planet, inspiring people to explore, care for and better understand the situation of many a rare species

With its new distinctive imagery and vibrant packaging and tagline ‘Real is Here’, the channel is taking viewers closer to real, unscripted life stories from the global animal kingdom, from a place where there are no lights, no scripts, no make-up, but a whole lot of action and entertainment.

Animals are no different from humans, they also think and feel - and their presence on Earth is tremendously enriching.

In light of this proposition, National Geographic Wild is highlighting 'Real Love, Real Stories' this Valentine’s Day. 

Look out for stories that celebrate love between these magnificent species through some enthralling shows and programs on conservation, endangered species and habitats for Indian audiences.

Seahorses: Wanted dead or alive
Female seahorses place their eggs into a brood pouch in the body of its male partner, and it is in the body of the male seahorse where the eggs get fertilised and development of the embryos takes place. It is the male partner that gives birth to the young ones in the end.

A little competition never hurts, or does it?
A male sea turtle faces intense competition as he attempts to mate with a female. Many male tortoises compete with one another in a series of head bobs and ramming charges.

<em>Photo credit: Turtles / Hostile Planet / National Geographic Wild</em>
Photo credit: Turtles / Hostile Planet / National Geographic Wild

The dating game is strong here
King penguins, which are monogamous during mating season, can recognise their partners’ call, even in noisy colonies where hundreds of penguins are searching for their own mates.

<em>Photo credit: Greg Marshall / Penguin’s Life / National Geographic Wild</em>
Photo credit: Greg Marshall / Penguin’s Life / National Geographic Wild

Playing it cool: The dolphin way
Male humpback dolphins bring sponges as gifts for females to try and win their attention.

<em>Photo credit: Dolphins / National Geographic Wild</em>
Photo credit: Dolphins / National Geographic Wild

Privilege exists in the coldest places 
The alpha male and alpha female are the only wolves in a pack that breed and produce pups. 

<em>Photo credit: Kingdom of The White Wolf / National Geographic Wild</em>
Photo credit: Kingdom of The White Wolf / National Geographic Wild

Move over, Micheal Jackson
When looking for a mate, the male red-capped manakin snaps his wings and dances on a branch to catch a female's eye.


<em>Photo caption: Red-headed Manakin / Wild Love / National Geographic Wild</em>
Photo caption: Red-headed Manakin / Wild Love / National Geographic Wild

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