Long live the liver!

April 19 is observed as World Liver Day to raise awareness about liver-related illnesses
Liver health
Liver health

The liver is an essential part of the digestive system. It is the second-largest and most complicated organ and processes everything you eat and drink, including drugs. It is also vulnerable to injury and so, needs to be cared for to live a healthy life.

The liver is the chemical factory of the body, the largest solid organ weighing about 1.5 kg in adults. It is situated just under the ribs, on the upper right-hand side of the abdomen. The organ handles over 500 important activities simultaneously. The liver produces roughly 800-1,000ml of bile every day, which contains salts required for fat digestion. Bile eliminates waste and harmful debris from the circulatory system. If the liver is damaged, it should be treated as soon as possible. Neglect would lead to liver cirrhosis and other problems.

Dr Ramesh Kumar, chief executive officer and chief of lab services (Kerala operations), Metropolis Healthcare Limited, said increased enzyme, SGPT, SGOT and Gamma GT levels can be spotted through simple liver function blood tests. “One-third of all liver function tests show increased enzyme levels. The test is important for the early diagnosis of fatty liver and prevents further damage to the liver. According to estimates, liver cirrhosis is expected to become the most significant cause of death soon,” he said.

Overconsumption of alcohol also leads to cirrhosis. If you drink too much liquor, the excessively circulating alcohol in the blood will destroy liver cells, making the liver fatty and inflamed, leading to cirrhosis.

What does your liver do?
*Protects against infections and diseases
* Controls blood sugar levels
* Removes toxins from the body and regulates cholesterol levels
* Aids in blood clotting, prevents excessive blood loss in the event of an injury
*Makes vital body proteins
* Aids digestion

Tips for a healthy liver
Dr Mathew Philip, a leading gastroenterologist, says the following lifestyle changes can help you maintain a healthy liver:
Eat healthy and balanced meals
Exercise regularly
Maintain a healthy weight
Steer clear from obesity
Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs
Take medications judiciously
Avoid self-medication
Handle insecticides carefully
Prevent hepatitis
Vaccinate for Hepatitis B
Control diabetes and monitor for fatty liver

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