Paloma about town: Memes, cravings and ginger tea

Finding humour and good cheer where we can this week

And another week rolls on. We haven’t left our homes, out come the ring lights and Instagram trends for 2022. Things are so different from when this all began. Remember our feeds filled with Dalgona coffee and banana bread? Now it’s all about ginger tea and Dolo memes. To quote a trending fashion influencer, “a bed is a girl’s best friend.” I chatted with a few people about the third wave and how they’re handling things.

<em>Suneethi & Alfie</em>
Suneethi & Alfie

Suneethi of Local XO who runs events for a living says with all events and pop-ups cancelled, she’s back to focusing on her clients with online marketing needs — the need of the hour! After a hectic festive event season, she’s shifted back to lockdown rituals of PJs all day, working from her bed, cooking, binging on shows, snuggling with her dog Alfie and scrolling Insta for the hilarious COVID-19 memes. Her favourite one: “We went from YOLO to DOLO pretty quick.”

Shamshad, more popularly known as Begum’s Choice on Instagram, may be unwell, but it certainly hasn’t affected her sense of humour. “I feel like getting COVID-19 now seems more normal than last year, because now people look at the one’s who have not tested positive as the odd ones out. Very soon, positive parties are gonna start trending,” she says with a laugh. Her favourite meme? The one that reads; “If you’re negative, please isolate yourself.”


Offering a different perspective is all-round culinary goddess Minal Kripalani of ‘Lean on Me’.  In the midst of celebrating 25 years of ‘Just Baked’, she was busy churning out orders this week. She says there’s quite a dichotomy with people asking for healthy meals, specially put together — high on protein, with loads of veggies and Vitamin C. On the other hand, some want to indulge, which means the cheesecakes have also been flying off the shelves. To both groups she says — “I’ve got you!”

So here’s hoping we come out the other side of this with our sense of humour intact. Stay safe everyone!

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