
Check out the all-new High Tea menu at Fonce Chocolatier and Cafe in Hyderabad

Suchitra Behara

For the City Of Nawabs, tea is quite a familiar concept. Be it the traditional Irani chai cafés or the new-age lounges serving up artisanal options, Hyderabadis simply cannot do without their cup of tea. And when we found out that Foncé Chocolatier and Café is introducing High-Tea, you can imagine our excitement. The new menu was launched this week and we arrived at the outlet to check it out. Deepa Reddy, founder, Foncé Chocolatier and Café ushered us in before it began. “We are excited to bring the High Tea experience to Hyderabad. Our idea was to make evenings at Foncé beautiful by serving the guests something that they will remember us for. So, a High Tea experience seemed like the best way to do it,” shared Deepa.

Bon Appétit

We were pleasantly surprised with an impressive array of petit fours curated by the atelier. As soon as our platters arrived, we couldn’t help but marvel at their lovely presentation. We started our tasting with the Cheese Sticks. The sticks were crunchy and just what we were looking for. We then went for the Bruschetta. What we loved about this was that it was generously topped with freshly chopped vegetables, cheese and olive oil. Next up, we tried the Fish Orly, a deep-fried fish fillet. The crisp outer layer was on point. The Savoury Tarts are what we picked next. The dainty nibbles came in two variants — one filled with corn and spinach and the other was made with smoked chicken. Both the variants were quite delicious. Our last pick from the savoury dishes was the Vol-Au-Vent. This hollow puff pastry filled with creamy chicken is a must-have.

Savoury treats

Bespoke bites

After trying their scrumptious snacks, it was time for us to check out their line-up of desserts. Our first choice was the Danish Pastry — a laminated sweet pastry. It came with a cream filling and was topped with candied orange. It boasted subtle flavours and was quite light on the palate. We next moved on to the Sweet Tart, lightly crispy and loaded with cream and fruit, the dessert was delicious. We also tried the Panna Cotta, a classic vanilla custard that was richly flavoured. Our last pick from the tasting and which also happens to be our favourite was the Mini Boston Cupcake. Tiny in size and topped with delicious chocolate cream, these cupcakes are one of the most decadent sweets you’ll take a bite of. And, to top all this, the setmenu comes with a pot of tea. Their range includes Oolong, Jade, Earl Grey, Chamomile and Green Tea.

Dessert platter

High Tea is relatively a new concept to the café space in Hyderabad. We enjoyed indulging in this British tradition dating back to the 1800s. The classic teas, buttery croissants and delectable cakes served within their lush green garden made it a pleasant affair.

High Tea

Starts at 4.30 pm. Prior Booking required. Rs. 2,000++ for two. At Jubilee Hills.