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Crafting a cosy haven: A guide to build your ideal reading nook at home

Team Indulge

As the new year arrives, igniting the literary enthusiast within you to delve into more reading adventures, here’s a practical guide on creating the perfect winter reading corner in your home.

Organize your collection: For those with a substantial book collection, proper shelving is essential. Coffee table books and encyclopedias fit well in 12” high and 12” deep shelves, while smaller books are suitable for 8” to 10” in shelf height and a depth of 9”. Strategically place deeper shelves towards the bottom to maintain a balanced appearance.

Maximize small spaces: A cosy reading nook doesn't require a vast area. Set up a chair with a footstool by a window or in an unoccupied corner of a room for an ideal morning reading spot that bathes you in natural light. Don't overlook the potential of underutilized spaces, such as the area beneath the staircase.

Blend style and function: Achieve a chic reading corner by incorporating the mantra ‘Style follows function.’ Enhance an armchair with a throw pillow, add a side table, and illuminate the space with a wall-mounted light fixture or a tall floor lamp arching over your reading space.

Inject creativity: Infuse a distinctive flair into your reading corner by experimenting with colours and incorporating elements like artwork, musical instruments, or even a bar cabinet.

For the young readers: Foster a love for reading in your children by creating a designated space for them. Install a swing for a playful touch, place a comfortable mat on the floor adorned with cushions, and allow the little ones to decorate the walls with their favourite books or characters.

Aromatic ambience: Enhance your reading experience with delightful fragrances. From classic floral scents to book-themed candles, consider using essential oils, diffusers, or candles to add a pleasant aroma to your reading haven.

Embrace the colder months with a warm and inviting reading corner tailored to your tastes, providing the perfect sanctuary for literary escapades.