Actor Deepika Padukone’s upcoming film, Project K, is all set to make its debut at the immensely popular comic book convention, San Diego Comic-Con, which is scheduled to take place from July 20-23. Ahead of the event, Deepika was spotted at the Mumbai airport. The actress was seen donning a deep purple corduroy jacket and pants as she exited her car and made her way towards the terminal gate. She also sported a purple t-shirt, sunglasses and boots.
The artiste also smiled at the paparazzi stationed at the airport as she walked towards the terminal gate. A video of the same was shared on Instagram by a paparazzi page.
Deepika’s travel comes just a few days before Project K’s Comic Con debut which will make it the first Indian film to do so. The highly anticipated film has been helmed by Mahanati director Nag Ashwin and also stars Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan and Kamal Haasan in lead roles.
The film’s team recently announced that Deepika, Prabhas, Kamal and Nag will be attending the event and will be unveiling a special glimpse into the world of the movie. The title, trailer and release date of the film will also be announced on the first day of SDCC. The team will host a panel called This is Project K: First Glimpse of India's Mytho-Sci-fi Epic on June 20 at the event and Vyjayanthi Movies will share a look of the film as part of an opening night party on July 19.
Talking about Project K going to Comic-Con, Nag was quoted as saying, “India’s storytelling tradition has ancient roots, with its epics serving as the origins for many civilizations worldwide. A world as big as this needs a platform as big to introduce it to the people. Comic-Con felt like the perfect place, where the honesty and enthusiasm needed for Project K will be found.”