Netflix dropped a new trailer for its upcoming documentary series, Harry & Meghan, on social media on Monday. The series will be made available in two parts. While the first part will release on December 8, the second part will be out on December 15.
The trailer shows glimpses of the royal couple, who now reside in the US. It throws light on the other side of the lives of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as they try to navigate the public eye and Meghan’s trials and tribulations of being married to the royal household. The trailer shows how the couple faces the spotlight thrown by the paparazzi.
The documentary series will be of six parts and explore the history of their relationship, right from their early days to getting married and deciding to step back from the royal family. It will include exclusive interviews with friends and family, along with journalists and historians who throw light on how media played a role in the couple’s life.