Here's how this weight gainer can help men look healthier and better than before

In order to gain weight, you require consuming more calories than what you burn.
How men can gain weight
How men can gain weight
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4 min read

If you think you are skinny, and have been trying to eat a lot of food but it still hasn’t worked out for you, you don’t need to fret. Even though you think you eat enough, you still don’t seem to gain the desired amount of weight that you wish to. The only other way to go is building muscles to start feeling better but you don’t have any clue about what steps to take in order to look like others. You may have people and friends telling you how nice it is to have fast metabolism but within yourself you must be wishing just the opposite. 

In order to gain weight, you require consuming more calories than what you burn. If you believe that you eat a lot and yet you’re not gaining weight, you might be eating the wrong things which are not rich in calories. In case the average intake of calories is lesser than what you burn, you’ll never gain weight, no matter how much you eat. You may opt for serious mass which is a magic weight gainer but before you opt for supplements, it is always better to go for the natural ways. Read on to know more on the guide to gaining weight in a natural way. 

What is the reason that you fail to gain weight even when you eat?
All skinny guys always think that they eat a lot and still they’re not able to gain weight. Due to the fact that they have fast metabolism, they keep eating junk food of all types. Some others think that they are not able to gain weight either because they don’t have proper digestive capabilities or they’re too tensed or they have worms inside their stomach. But what’s the truth?

The truth is that you may continue eating everything that you want and still not gain weight only because you’re not eating enough. Although YOU think you do but actually you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t remain skinny. You require tracking your regular calorie intake for perfect evidence. Use apps like myfitnesspal and keep including the foods that you eat so that they can measure the calories. In reality, skinny men overestimate whatever they eat and this is why they never end up gaining weight. If you think that you can’t change your body type just because of your metabolism, you’re wrong. 

The secret tips to gaining weight
There are just 3 things that you always need to keep in mind if you’re a skinny guy who wants to gain weight – training, nutrition and consistency. Here are few other tips that you should keep in mind. 

1.Evaluate your own self on the scale of BMI
The foremost step that you have to take is to measure your weight in terms of BMI scale to check where you stand at the present moment. This way you will get to know how many kilos you would need to increase. Once you get to know this, you will have to start tracking your meals. It is pretty natural that you overestimate the nutrition and calories that you take in but stay away from overestimating. Make it an aim to gain at least half a kilo in a week. 

2. Eat lots of good things
You won’t believe but you actually require eating a crazy amount of calories in order to gain the desired amount of weight. However, you also have to ensure that the calories are Good calories. Even by having Twinkies and Taco Bell, you could gain 3500 calories and by drinking soft drinks but that won’t help your body in building a single muscle. So, this isn’t any long-term solution. You’ve got to eat the right foods which have got good calories. 

3. Join hands with carbs
Sweet potatoes, rice and oatmeal – these are going to be friends for the rest of your life till you gain weight. You may even be allowed to eat pretty lot of it so that you could reach the calorie goals. Eliminate all those less healthy things like pasta or bread and instead add on some healthy snacks in between. Each of your meal should comprise of veggies so that your body has enough capacity to handle the calories and make them move to different parts of the body. 

4. Keep doing compound exercises
Apart from gaining weight, you also need to train yourself properly lest you just keep gaining fat and later on become obese. This is where you will need to train yourself. Focus on doing compound exercises which employ as many muscles of your body as is possible. You may do overhead press, bench press, deadlifts, squats, chin-ups, pull-ups and dips. These will make you gain strength along with the fat that you accumulate. 

Henceforth, whenever you think you’re a skinny guy who is earnestly trying to gain weight, you should take into account the above-mentioned tips and strategies. If needed, you may also consult a dietitian who can help you with a proper diet. 

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