Luke Coutinho honoured as ‘Fit India Champion for Lifestyle and Wellness’

Luke Coutinho honoured as ‘Fit India Champion for Lifestyle and Wellness’

Through this platform, the Holistic Lifestyle Coach intends to educate people about the traditional Indian methods to lead a wholesome lifestyle

Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach - Integrative Medicine has been honoured as the ‘Fit India Champion for Lifestyle and Wellness’ for the Fit India Movement, a flagship programme of the Government of India, which was launched by the Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2019.

The objective of the Fit India Movement is to bring awareness about the significance of good health to
the citizens of the country and encourage them to work towards building up a salubrious nation. Through this platform, Luke who has been pioneering holistic health and wellness in the country along with his team intends to educate people about the traditional Indian methods and its intelligence to lead a wholesome lifestyle. This will be done through the dissemination of credible information around lifestyle and well-being that is simple to follow and can help improve their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health - through social media platforms, webinars, and various other mediums. 

Eight years ago, Luke initiated an awareness and education drive around lifestyle and wellness in India with the help of his practice, knowledge, experience and a robust integrative team of nutritionists, doctors, yoga therapists, and coaches. As the ‘Fit India Champion for Lifestyle and Wellness’, Luke finds himself extremely honoured to be one of the country’s wellness aficionados who have the power to motivate people to make fitness a way of life and India a Fit Nation.

Luke’s vision for a Fit India is simple and clear. It is to educate, inspire, spread awareness and empower people to make lifestyle changes and make it a way of life. Luke will share real and life-changing stories of his own patients who have experienced drastic improvements in their health and life by following simple lifestyle changes. Luke believes that everyone has the ability to make lifestyle changes, no matter where they are and who they are.

Luke and his team have been using lifestyle as a medicine for patients from all across the globe when it comes to obesity, cancers, metabolic syndromes, diabetes, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, etc. For the past five to seven years, Luke has been creating and sharing informative videos on lifestyle, absolutely free of cost for the country.

Over 4,000 thousand videos and blogs on health, lifestyle, disease management and prevention  have already been created by Luke and his team, while fresh content to educate India is being regularly added. Important videos and content will also be translated into regional languages so that it can reach the vernacular sections of our country.

“It’s an honour to be recognised by Shri Narendra Modi and his Fit India Movement to lead Lifestyle and Wellness for our nation. The brainchild of our Honourable Prime Minister, the Fit India Movement is an amazing development for the benefit of our entire nation. As an Indian citizen, I am so proud to have a leader like him who is so focused on lifestyle, fitness and wellness of our nation. Too many people are suffering from lifestyle diseases today and there is a lot of money being spent on healthcare too. What if we save all of this by changing our lifestyle and the way we eat, move and live? Most diseases are caused by poor lifestyle, which means living the right lifestyle can reduce the chances of getting these diseases to a huge extent,” shares Luke.

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