
Here are some tips to take care of your jewellery in the monsoon


Your jewellery is especially fragile during the monsoon season and needs extra care. We bring you some tips to help you preserve the condition of your favourite jewellery throughout the humid monsoon season. By following these guidelines, you may keep your jewellery as spotless as the day you acquired it:

Maintaining dry, clean conditions for your jewellery: Keep your jewellery clean and dry, especially during the rainy season, if you want it to stay shining. 

Keep cream and perfume away from your jewellery: Put on your jewellery, only after applying your lotion and scents. Remove your jewellery before washing your hands or taking a bath because even water can harm it.

The secret is to clean your jewellery: The vast majority of cleaners designed for cleaning silver, gold, and platinum metals are exceedingly harsh on pieces of jewellery. Therefore, avoid using them to clean your ornaments. The best course of action when jewellery becomes wet in the rain is to blow dry it before drying it with a soft cloth.

Give your jewellery a final wipe: Before putting your jewellery away at the end of the day, give it a wipe with an anti-tarnish soft cloth. This guarantees that there is no lingering moisture, oil, or dust. Make sure the container you use to store your jewellery is moisture-resistant.

Store it properly: If you keep your jewellery loose in a drawer, the humidity and excessive air exposure could do serious damage to your valuable jewels. Jewellery should be kept in individual, sealed bags made of tarnish-resistant paper. Metal alloys used in jewellery have the potential to erode due to moisture, which results in them losing their lustre. Put your jewellery in a box with a hard exterior and a soft interior to prevent this.

Insert tiny sachets of silica gel to absorb moisture and maintain its gloss to keep it sparkling. Manually blow-dry the jewellery to remove even the smallest amount of dampness. Choose a jewellery box with distinct compartments to prevent any friction from breaking or scratching your jewellery.

In addition to your health, monsoon is the time of year when your jewellery needs extra care. It is essential that you regularly inspect your glittering jewellery so that they consistently reflect a new sheen, making them ideal and prepared to be worn.