Actor Kamal Haasan on Friday condoled the death of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away on Thursday at the age of 96. The actor stated that the inaugural function of his Tamil film, Marudhanayagam, may well be the only film function to have been attended by the Queen.
Taking to Twitter, Kamal wrote in Tamil, “I was pained to learn of the demise of Queen Elizabeth II, who had been Queen of England for seventy years. She was someone who had earned the love of not just the English people but people from all over the world. Twenty-five years ago, she accepted our invitation to attend the inaugural function of Marudhanayagam. She graced the occasion and felicitated us. It may well be the only film shooting that she participated in in her life. Memories of my meeting with her at the Palace five years ago during a cultural event in London are still fresh. I express my deepest condolences to the members of the Royal family and the people of England who have lost their queen (sic).”
Queen Elizabeth II breathed her last at Balmoral Castle in Scotland after a 70-year reign making her the longest ruling British monarch in history. According to reports, her funeral will take place after 10 days after her passing (i.e September 18). Her body will be taken to Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh today for the public to pay their respects and the funeral service will take place at the St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland on Sunday. She will be succeeded by her son, King Charles.
Music director AR Rahman too condoled the demise of the Queen. He took to Instagram writing, “Last I met her was during a charity show of Bombay Dreams musical with Andrew Lloyd Webber. Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth (sic). ”
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Queen Elizabeth II passes away at 96 in Balmoral after 70-year reign
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