Amazon Prime Video on Friday, announced the global premiere of the highly anticipated Malayalam-thriller Drishyam 2 exclusively on the streaming service. Starting the New Year with a bang, Drishyam 2, starring Mohanlal will record its world-premiere in 2021. Keeping excitement amongst fans at its peak ahead of its much-awaited release, legendary actor Mohanlal dropped the teaser of the film on 1st January 2020, a little after midnight. Written and directed by Jeetu Joseph, Drishyam 2 stars Meena, Siddique, Asha Sharath, Murali Gopy, Ansiba, Esther, and Saikumar in pivotal roles. Drishyam 2 has been produced by Antony Perumbavoor under the banner of Aashirvad Cinemas.
The upcoming Amazon Original, which will begin from where Drishyam left off, promises to raise the stakes with double the thrills. The teaser gives us a glimpse into the life of Georgekutty, played by Mohanlal, and his family and how they are coping with the fall-out from the fateful night. With the entire family harbouring a secret that could make or break them, the gripping teaser, sets the premise of what lies in store. Speaking about the film actor Mohanlal said, “Drishyam was one-of-a-kind thriller film, way ahead of its time, that was loved by all. With Drishyam 2, we are taking the story of Georgekutty and his family ahead from where we left it off. I am delighted to associate with Amazon Prime Video to release one of the most-awaited movies of the year. Prime Video has helped take some of the best stories of South Indian cinema to avid cinephiles not just in India, but across the world. We know viewers have waited patiently for the sequel - Drishyam 2 is a labour of love, we hope to rise to the expectations of our die-hard fans. So sit back and enjoy from the safety of your homes with your family and loved ones.”
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