Divi made her debut in Maharshi, where she was seen playing Pooja Hegde’s friend role. She rose to fame with Bigg Boss and while her stay in the house may be short, she managed to create quite an impression with the Telugu audiences. From Nagarjuna to Chiranjeevi, everyone seems to be impressed with her charm and persona. Joining the bandwagon is Pawan Kalyan who offered her a role in his upcoming project. The latest buzz in Tollywood is that Divi has bagged a key role in Pawan Kalyan and Rana Daggubati’s yet-to-be-titled film. Directed by Sagar Chandra, this massive multi-starrer is a remake to the 2020 Malayalam hit movie Ayyappanum Koshiyum.
The Maharshi star also has another offer in her pockets. It was recently announced that she will be seen as a powerful cop in Chiranjeevi’s next. This is an official remake of 2015, Tamil hit Vedhalam. Looks like the Telugu speaking states will see more of Divi this year.