Tollywood actor, Akkineni Nagarjuna recently wrapped up the shooting for his upcoming film - Wild Dog. The actor was shooting for Bigg Boss Telugu season 4, when he took a break from the show to finish the last schedule in the Himalayas. Reports suggest that the makers are planning for a digital release.
Wild Dog will see Nagarjuna playing a NIA officer and the female lead played by Saiyami Kher will be seen as a RAW agent. The ensemble cast also features Ali Reza and Manyank Parakh. Directed by Ashish Solomon, the movie is produced by Niranjan Reddy and Anvesh Reddy under the Matinee Entertainment banner. The makers also released Nagarjuna’s first look in December and the poster created quite a buzz then. Wild Dog is a story based on true events and the poster revealed that Nagarjuna’s character is named Vijay Varma.
While most Telugu movies are looking for a big screen release, there are reports which say that Wild Dog will skip a theatrical release. It is said that Netflix India has bagged the rights of the film and it will have a direct digital release. But, an official confirmation from the makers is yet to be released.