In a momentous development, the documentary feature To Kill A Tiger, which unfolds its gripping narrative in a quaint Indian village, has clinched a nomination for the prestigious 2024 Academy Awards in the Best Documentary Feature category. The Canadian production, helmed by Delhi-born director Nisha Pahuja, has earned acclaim on the global stage, making waves since its world premiere at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival. At the event, the documentary not only captivated audiences but also secured the coveted Amplify Voices Award for Best Canadian Feature Film.
The heart-wrenching tale depicted in the film revolves around Ranjit, a resolute father in pursuit of justice for his 13-year-old daughter, who fell victim to abduction and subsequent sexual assault perpetrated by three men. Ranjit’s quest for justice takes a tumultuous turn when, despite the initial arrests following his report to the police, the villagers and their leaders launch an unrelenting campaign to coerce the family into retracting the charges.
Check out the trailer for the film here:
To Kill a Tiger, presented as a cinematic documentary, intricately captures the challenges and uphill battle that Ranjit faces in his relentless pursuit of justice for his child, as shared on the official website of the documentary.
The film, produced by Cornelia Principe and David Oppenheim, finds itself in esteemed company alongside four other contenders for the coveted Oscar in the Best Documentary Feature category. These include Bobi Wine: The People's President, The Eternal Memory, Four Daughters, and 20 Days In Mariupol.
The grand stage for the 96th annual Academy Awards is set at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, where the culmination of cinematic excellence will unfold on March 10. Jimmy Kimmel is poised to preside over the ceremony for the second consecutive year, marking his fourth engagement with the esteemed role. The anticipation builds for an evening that will undoubtedly celebrate the pinnacle of storytelling in the world of cinema.
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