Fitness enthusiasts are constantly striving to get the right amount of protein and also looking to maintain body fat, while trying to know more about whey protein powder. While it was Milkbar by OMG serving delicious healthy milkshakes in Chennai, Avvatar’s Advanced Muscle Gainer seems to be the newest entrant designed to serve not only bodybuilders but also CrossFit athletes, and highlight the benefits of whey protein.“Unlike other whey proteins, the grass-to-glass concept is what makes the muscle gainer unique as all others usually take a longer process than 24 hours,” says popular celebrity trainer Shivoham, about best grass-fed whey proteins. The trainer who is also the brand ambassador adds reducing the quality of protein thus not having the desired effect on the body, which is most disappointing, but Avvatar can change the game.
Pro tips on protein
While there is no particular change in training for people consuming vegetarian whey protein, getting the right combination of intake through the protein-carbohydrate matrix is important. Breaking it down, Shivoham says the best kind of whey protein combination is gluten, soya and sugar-free whey protein. Avvatar seems to check at least one on the list, making it a start for all amateur fitness enthusiasts.“The protein made from 100 per cent cow’s milk offers a healthy balance, which helps gain quality muscle mass, without gaining excess fat,” states Devendra Shah, Chairman of Parag Milk Foods, the manufacturer of the whey protein.
However, building muscle is not only about consuming whey proteins but is also about staying fit at the time, while not going overboard. With most people living sedentary lifestyles, fitness is the need of the hour. However, fitness is not just about being skinny, muscular or being able to run a marathon, says Shivoham, but is about being healthy at all times, mentally and physically. Eating clean as well as working out religiously is important. However, with enthusiasts sharing all kinds of tips with amateurs, all of them literally seem to be like guinea pigs on a treadmill, working tirelessly to get ‘in shape’. The fitness trainer breaks it down with the most simple food consumption for the layman and says proteins like milk, cheese, paneer and sprouts are ideal; carbohydrates like whole grains and fruits along with fats like ghee, seeds, nuts and coconut oil, work wonders.
What’s your flava?
For gym-goers, bodybuilders, CrossFit athletes and even endurance runners, Avvatar Whey Protein has a variety of flavours like Double chocolate, Vanilla snow creme and Café Mocha which is a whole lot of chocolate, light as well as sweet. The mix encourages all those who want to gain lean muscle without looking too bulky, making the process of fitness easier than before.
Five ways to stay fit
Shivoham says people who do not have the time to visit gyms, should stick to a simple routine, which is as follows:
• Spot of yoga with Kapal Bhati and Anulom Vilom to get fired up.
• Take the stairs instead of the lift.
• Small walks during breaks, to beat sitting at a desk.
• Squats, lunges, suryanamaskar and pushups in various combinations.
• Skipping and jogging on the spot for before completing the workout.
Starts at Rs 3,400 for one kilo.