
Here are some tips to help you control food waste at your home 


Food that is not consumed at home and is afterwards thrown out is referred to as food waste. This might be brought on by the food that was thrown away or that was past its “use-by date.” Food waste can happen in a number of ways during food production and processing. According to reports, a third of the food produced worldwide is wasted each year. Following are some tips for minimising food waste at home:

Planning and purchasing meals

Based on the items that must be ingested, schedule your meals and weekly activities. Make another dinner to finish the leftovers. Use fresh food as much as possible instead of frozen or tinned items. Check your cabinets, freezer, and refrigerator before you go shopping to see what you already have. Before you go shopping, make a list. Invest only where it is necessary. Be careful not to be lured by advertisements for products you don't require.

Keeping food fresh

  • Set your refrigerator to 5 degrees or less at all times.
  • The finest containers to use for leftover storage are transparent ones that make it simple to see what you have.
  • Place fresh items in the front of the refrigerator and older foods in the back to encourage consumers to use older products before they go bad.
  • To keep milk, cheese, and yoghurt cooler and fresher for longer, avoid placing them in the refrigerator door, which has the warmest temperature.
  • Don't chop produce until you're ready to use it because chopped fruits, dairy goods, and vegetables may spoil more quickly.
  • Freeze the bread because it's one of the things we waste the most. If you do not believe you will consume it all, why not freeze and toast it instead?

Understanding what dates mean

The term "best before" describes a product's quality; the meal will be at its best before the specified date. It might not be at its best beyond this date, but it will still be ok to consume. Make an assessment using your senses. It is not safe to eat food after its "use by" date because it has passed that point.

Control of portions

  • Buy only what you need when you're shopping.
  • Cook only what you need or plan for leftovers when you make meals.
  • Serve yourself just enough to satisfy your appetite for one meal.
  • The remaining food should be kept in the refrigerator in a clear, visible container.


  • Utilize any leftover vegetables: Soups, curries, casseroles, stir-fries, and stir-fries are all excellent ways to use up vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and carrots.
  • Utilize leftover meat: For the next day's lunch, leftover roast dinner meat, such as chicken, turkey, hog, or cattle, makes wonderful sandwich fillings.
  • Make use of any fruit that has been left behind by making guacamole or banana bread with ripe avocados and bananas.