
There's a social networking platform exclusively for food & it's called Foodwall

Sonu M Kothari

Almost every day, people are in dilemma of choosing a good eatery spot. Be it for a family get-together or for friends to hang out or just because you feel like ordering in. With a new fine-dine restaurant or cafe coming up every week, locking in on a good food stop might be cumbersome. Hence, there is a need for a dedicated platform for food discourse.

To solve this unending quest, and provide a peer-to-peer social networking platform where friends and strangers can communicate purely on food topics city-based Saravan Krishna M has launched Foodwall. “A platform that is more like Quora for food, LinkedIn for foodies, and the next Facebook from India,” says the founder. 

Saravan Krishna M

One for the users

Foodwall, a food social networking, was launched on June 12, focussing on being the “one stop for content and information on food”. When food is discussed everybody is involved in the conversation. It brings together strangers. Anybody who loves food will want to jump onto Foodwall, because of its thematic platform.

With extensive travel exposing people to all types of cuisines, they want to explore the food that is special to a particular region. This is where Foodwall enters. Available only for Chennaiites, Foodwall has been successful in attracting more than 500 users in the first week of its launch. The goal is to get in a total of 10,000 users in a couple of weeks. “Users are given utmost importance on this platform — from the app being user-friendly in navigation to the features available and the ease with which one can find solutions to their food problems,” he says.

Amogh Arun Kumar

The team had plans of launching the platform in 2019 but had to rework the application from scratch because of technical mishaps. “A tech team of three worked on the project so that the users find it attractive, and useful, and importantly want to keep using the application. The idea is to try and solve the biggest problem that is genuine —  for a platform to be user-driven in terms of food recommendations, suggestions, and reviews,” he explains.

Going global

Saravan is grateful to have Amogh Arun Kumar on board as the co-founder and chief customer officer (CCO) of Foodwall. The school friends reconnected through a common group in 2019 and share an exceptional friendship built on trust and mutual respect. “Amogh and I had a dating phase where we had meetings for six months to understand if we could work together, handle conflicts, so many other things and that is why even after ups and downs we stuck through,” says Saravan.

Though modern problems require modern solutions, the company is going traditional for its marketing. As of now, word of mouth is how the message is spread. Starting with just an idea in 2018, it took five years for the application to get to what it is today. The team has plans to make the platform global in future, after expanding to metro cities and then the whole nation.

With time, they want to be the next Facebook or Instagram from India with food as their niche. “So far what we have done is a great journey, but it’s like we have qualified for the world cup finals. Now that we are at the finals, we have to play the game, go on the field and return with the cup,” says Saravan.

Features that Foodwall offers: 

  • Bucket list allows you to add a restaurant or a review on your page for yourself, for one-to-one - friends, or for a group of friends. Next time you want to eat out, you can look at the list. 
  • Polls allow you to choose one among two options. Participants can 'up' vote and 'down' vote the suggestions. 
  • Reviews are where you review eateries and food items.
  • On your profile section, you can pin a location and tag who you are with, upload pictures and add a post be it a review, poll, or a question.