Subi Suresh, the well-known Malayalam actor and television host, passed away on Wednesday, aged 41. At about 10 am, she breathed her last at Rajagiri Hospital near Aluva. According to hospital officials, she was being treated for acute liver failure since she was admitted on January 28.
Subi, who hailed from Ernalkulam, rose to fame through stage comedy shows. She actively took part in the many stage productions of the Cochin Kalabhavan troupe. She appeared in several popular comedy shows on Malayalam television channels, including the popular show Cinemala.
She began her career as a stand-up comedian and made her big-screen debut in 2006 with Kanakasimhasanam, directed by Rajasenan. She also appeared in a number of other films, such as Drama, Panchavarnathatha, Killadi Raman, Thaskaralahala, and Happy Husbands, to mention a few.
While expressing his condolences for her passing, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan noted that the state has lost an artist who had produced numerous stage productions in addition to appearing in films. On the other hand, actress Tini Tom claimed that her loss could not be made up for because she was one of the few female mimicry performers in Malayalam.
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