Shah Rukh Khan’s latest release Pathaan worked wonders at the box office and became one of the biggest Hindi-language hits of all time. The craze for the film just doesn’t stop there. Nowadays, many videos of people grooving to the song, Jhoome Jo Pathaan, from the film are being shared on social media, with the performers trying to copy the hook step of the track. The recent addition to the list is a clip featuring cricketer Irfan Pathan's son, which is winning many hearts.
On Wednesday, the athlete shared a video on Twitter in which his little kid can be seen enjoying and dancing to the song. Irfan captioned the post, “Khansaab @iamsrk please add one more cutest fan in your list…” The post received a reply from the Bollywood superstar himself who reposted the post writing, “Yeh tumse zyaada talented nikla….chota Pathaan [He turned out to be more talented than you, little Pathaan].”
Many users also took to the comment section of the post to share their reactions to the cute clip. A user wrote, “So cute.” Another fan said, “He is so cute. May God bless him always and he too win us world cups like his father.” “He is enjoying it to the fullest. Very cute, ” read a comment.
The video has amassed 1.7 million views on Twitter till now with no sign of stopping. It has also received over 33000 likes and over 2800 retweets on the social media platform.
Pathaan was released on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video on Wednesday with some unseen sequences and has been receiving an amazing response from the viewers. Directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Yash Raj Films, the movie was released in theatres on January 25. The film was highly successful at the box office, minting over INR 1000 crores. It also starred Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Dimple Kapadia, and Ashutosh Rana in important roles.
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