Here are some simple tips for beginners to follow while meditating 

A few of the many benefits of this age-old practice include greater inner strength and the ability to maintain emotional stability, among others 
Most beginners struggle to maintain their stillness during meditation
Most beginners struggle to maintain their stillness during meditation

Meditation is one of the best ways to understand yourself better and develop into the best version of yourself. You observe your thoughts while meditating without attempting to control or dispel them. Meditation helps with focused concentration, peace of mind, clarity of feelings and thoughts, relaxation, rejuvenation, and clarity of cognition. Additionally, studies have shown that meditation might benefit those who suffer from conditions including PTSD, fibromyalgia, IBS, as well as depression, and anxiety disorders.

Even while this practice has many benefits, one may occasionally find it to be difficult and exhausting, especially if you're just getting started. The main causes are restlessness and issues with thoughts. It is important to understand that these common issues affect even the most experienced yoga practitioners. To retain consistency and incorporate meditation into your regular practice, you may need a little bit of guidance. We bring you some tips to follow if you are planning to start meditating. 

Don't set any expectations

You must understand that meditation isn't a quick fix to all your life's problems. It'll take effort and time to reap the actual benefits from the practice. Initially, you'll find it hard to keep out your thoughts and quieten your mind. However, the idea is to stop resisting your thoughts and embrace them as they come. You may notice things occurring around you, different types of sensations in the body, or possibly judging others or yourself. These are natural responses similar to breathing.

You must realise that meditation is not a magic bullet for all of life's issues. To truly gain from the practice, effort and time are required. You will initially struggle to quiet your mind and keep your ideas to yourself. The goal is to embrace your thoughts as they arise rather than fight them. You might be aware of what's going on around you, experience various kinds of bodily sensations, or judge others or oneself. When such things occur, acknowledge the ideas and then pause for a moment. It is not necessary to quickly return your focus to your breathing. Instead, close your attention to what was occupying it and let it go. Once you have landed once more, gradually return your focus back to your breathing.

Find an appropriate time

When you first start meditating, you might think that you need to do it at a certain time in order to benefit from it, which is not the case. When you can make it work, then is the best time to meditate. You might feel discouraged and dissatisfied if you try to meditate at a time that conflicts with your obligations and schedule. Picking a time that feels right for you is always a better option. But any time you decide, make an effort to keep to it and incorporate it into your daily routine.

Be comfortable

Most beginners struggle to maintain their stillness during meditation. You may experience restlessness during meditation since you are not used to sitting still. It's important to remember that the body needs time to relax and settle down. It is crucial that you keep up with your practice and keep your attention entirely on your breath. Maintaining a comfortable position at all times is another factor to take into account for good meditation. Although you may have observed others meditating in the lotus position, you are not required to adopt this posture yourself. To continue your practice, it would be excellent if you found a position you could hold for a while.

Keep your practice going

Nothing is ever simple. Keep an open mind and investigate the challenges with interest rather than searching for reasons why you are unable to continue the exercise. You can more easily convert such feelings into daily life by engaging in meditation practices that encourage curiosity and acceptance. 

Any method can be used to practice meditation. By meditating in the way that most suits you, you can succeed in your practice. Therefore, without holding back, keep trying out several approaches until you find the one that works for you. When you begin to feel more joy, peace, compassion, and love, you'll know it's working.

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